A comprehensive course on building effective routines
Things that matter take time
Things that matter take time
You can't really achieve anything in a single moment. Some things take years.
But if your life is a mess, you have no guarantee that what you are doing now will have any positive impact on what happens to you further into the future.
Modern life is full of interruptions and obligations that remove us from the repeating cycles our bodies are designed to work best in.
This is why Step Zero of any plan is to establish a routine.
With a well formed routine, you can reliably build things step by step, knowing you are going to finish what you start.
But if your life is a mess, you have no guarantee that what you are doing now will have any positive impact on what happens to you further into the future.
Modern life is full of interruptions and obligations that remove us from the repeating cycles our bodies are designed to work best in.
This is why Step Zero of any plan is to establish a routine.
With a well formed routine, you can reliably build things step by step, knowing you are going to finish what you start.
Stop living life by the clock and the calendar.
A good routine is built in alignment with the biological cycles of the human body.
Build your routines from first principles.
The Step Zero course is a series of short lessons, taking you through 7 key cycles of the body:
- Digestion
- Performance
- Energy
- Work
- Breath
- Light
- Attention
With a complete understanding of these cycles you will then learn how to align them in a way that is beneficial for your health and your plans.
Choose from 50+ simple experiments you can apply immediately to establish a proper routine and clear a path to your goals.
Watch the video below to learn how I use routines to guarantee progress |