Do you know if you are on the path to burnout?
Become the person you want to be Build the future you want to see

This is ours …
* The Past
Much of the culture surrounding the modern health and wellness industry has its foundations in Eastern philosophy, Eastern medicine, and Eastern mysticism.
But Western culture also has much to offer.
"Western World Wellness" is a holistic approach to health and wellbeing rooted in Western history, committed to maximising human potential, with its foundations in Western philosophy, Western medicine, and Western mysticism.
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But Western culture also has much to offer.
"Western World Wellness" is a holistic approach to health and wellbeing rooted in Western history, committed to maximising human potential, with its foundations in Western philosophy, Western medicine, and Western mysticism.
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* The Present
Nowadays a gym is where people go to do some resistance and cardio training and participate in sports and leisure activities. But the origins of the modern gymnasium are rooted in the the schools of ancient Greece.
The word 'gymnos' means 'naked' and this type of school was called a Gymnasion because the attendees of these schools would train naked in the mediterranean heat.
But these schools weren't just places of physical training.
The philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all taught in a Gymnasion. The training and research that was done in these places was far reaching and included study in all aspects of a good life. This was where people learnt how to exist in a society in a way that was mindful and virtuous.
While we no longer train in the nude these days, I still believe it is important to have an honest and unashamed approach to our self development.
Exposing ourselves to difficult work and hard truths is the first step to a better life.
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The word 'gymnos' means 'naked' and this type of school was called a Gymnasion because the attendees of these schools would train naked in the mediterranean heat.
But these schools weren't just places of physical training.
The philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all taught in a Gymnasion. The training and research that was done in these places was far reaching and included study in all aspects of a good life. This was where people learnt how to exist in a society in a way that was mindful and virtuous.
While we no longer train in the nude these days, I still believe it is important to have an honest and unashamed approach to our self development.
Exposing ourselves to difficult work and hard truths is the first step to a better life.
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* The Future
Atherealis is a beautiful land of peace and abundance organised into a confederation of 18 city states, each overseen by their patrons: nine inspiring women, appearing as The Muses of ancient Greek myth, and nine heroic men, appearing as The Worthies of medieval chivalry.
The Patrons rule with justice and wisdom as a council, meeting in a grand complex of civic buildings known as The Capital.
This huge collection of castles, cathedrals, palaces, and gardens sits at the centre of Atherealis and is home to an elite class of specially trained stewards, universally revered for their exceptional intellect, physical prowess, and emotional resilience.
These volunteers dedicate themselves to serving their communities on behalf of the patrons, living purposefully, according to their to their ancient motto:
“Vitalitas Prosperitas Agentia”.
Their hard work grants them access to a vast library of profound manuscripts and magical artefacts concealed deep in the labyrinthine structures of the Captial. This library continuously grows as the stewards engage deeply in mysterious studies and experiments.
Who knows what treasures could be hidden within those cloistered halls?
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The Patrons rule with justice and wisdom as a council, meeting in a grand complex of civic buildings known as The Capital.
This huge collection of castles, cathedrals, palaces, and gardens sits at the centre of Atherealis and is home to an elite class of specially trained stewards, universally revered for their exceptional intellect, physical prowess, and emotional resilience.
These volunteers dedicate themselves to serving their communities on behalf of the patrons, living purposefully, according to their to their ancient motto:
“Vitalitas Prosperitas Agentia”.
Their hard work grants them access to a vast library of profound manuscripts and magical artefacts concealed deep in the labyrinthine structures of the Captial. This library continuously grows as the stewards engage deeply in mysterious studies and experiments.
Who knows what treasures could be hidden within those cloistered halls?
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There are four key areas to work on …
* Time
The Cycle is a framework that helps us view time in a different way. Not as blank space to fill up with busy-work but a repeating sequence that predictably aligns our experience and activity.
Every moment is connected to what comes before and after, forming a predictable pattern that moves around an equilibrium point like a pendulum, a wave, or a turning wheel.
This is true for the economy, living organisms, and your daily routine. Any dynamic system that maintains a stable form will demonstrate this pattern, moving between a peak, a descent, a valley, and an ascent back to the peak.
By planning around this repeating cycle, we can allocate our time and energy in a way that creates stability and reliability at every scale.

This is true for the economy, living organisms, and your daily routine. Any dynamic system that maintains a stable form will demonstrate this pattern, moving between a peak, a descent, a valley, and an ascent back to the peak.
By planning around this repeating cycle, we can allocate our time and energy in a way that creates stability and reliability at every scale.
* Money
The Path is a series of steps that must be taken for the best possible chance of security and prosperity for the future. If ignored, our likelihood of success falls off significantly.
The path breaks down into three key phases:
First, we cover the bases to make sure we can keep moving forward on the path. Like a soldier in enemy territory, when surrounded and under attack, we defend the strongholds to keep our position and avoid being forced to retreat.
Next, we share our lives to create a network around us. Nobody truly does anything real without the help of others. When you share your journey with the right people, providing inspiration and practical support, you never have to feel like you are on your own.
Finally, we build the future by thinking beyond our immediate circumstance. We imagine what our world could be like many years down the line. When we build things that last and set ourselves up for ongoing success, we give ourselves and those around us something to confidently look forward to.

First, we cover the bases to make sure we can keep moving forward on the path. Like a soldier in enemy territory, when surrounded and under attack, we defend the strongholds to keep our position and avoid being forced to retreat.
Next, we share our lives to create a network around us. Nobody truly does anything real without the help of others. When you share your journey with the right people, providing inspiration and practical support, you never have to feel like you are on your own.
Finally, we build the future by thinking beyond our immediate circumstance. We imagine what our world could be like many years down the line. When we build things that last and set ourselves up for ongoing success, we give ourselves and those around us something to confidently look forward to.
* Body
The Process is a kind of recipe for successful physical transformation, split into four stages. You will experience each of the four stages as you go through any physical change.
Making a transformational change to your physical body is the most safe and immediate way to go through this process and while the specific practical details vary, the same four stages always broadly apply.
The first stage is the Black Stage where things are most difficult. At the beginning, the failures, obstacles, and burdens are all revealed. Most people don't get past this difficult stage.
The second stage is the White Stage where the focus is more positive. Once action has been taken it is important to celebrate every success, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.
The third stage is the Yellow Stage where the results begin to show in visible and measurable ways. Surprisingly late in the process, we see a return on our hard work and this spurs us on to continue taking action.
The fourth stage is the Red Stage where the transformation becomes the new normal. From here, the process begins again, moving on to new territory and higher heights. There's always further to go!
Making a transformational change to your physical body is the most safe and immediate way to go through this process and while the specific practical details vary, the same four stages always broadly apply.

The second stage is the White Stage where the focus is more positive. Once action has been taken it is important to celebrate every success, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.
The third stage is the Yellow Stage where the results begin to show in visible and measurable ways. Surprisingly late in the process, we see a return on our hard work and this spurs us on to continue taking action.
The fourth stage is the Red Stage where the transformation becomes the new normal. From here, the process begins again, moving on to new territory and higher heights. There's always further to go!
* Relationships
I’m Building a Network
This is a brand new and growing initiative to bring together people who choose to make things happen.
We need smart hard-working people to build the future
This is a brand new and growing initiative to bring together people who choose to make things happen.
We need smart hard-working people to build the future

There are four aspects …
* Novelty
Every time we encounter something new and unknown, we experience feelings of curiosity and disgust.
Curiosity is a positive reaction, opening us up to accept novelty. Disgust is a negative reaction, closing us off from novelty and pushing it away.
The more inclined and tolerant we are towards novelty, the more likely we are to be lead by curiosity.
People who are lead by curiosity are smart and knowledgeable, quick to adapt to new information and generate new ideas. But they are also prone to overthinking and overcomplicating things, feeling bored or out of place, and getting easily distracted.
The less inclined and tolerant we are towards novelty, the more we are likely to be lead by disgust.
People who are lead by disgust are stubborn and set in their ways, uninterested in things that don’t directly affect them. But they are also able to make quick decisions, set clear boundaries, and are satisfied with simple pleasures.
Curiosity is a positive reaction, opening us up to accept novelty. Disgust is a negative reaction, closing us off from novelty and pushing it away.
The more inclined and tolerant we are towards novelty, the more likely we are to be lead by curiosity.
People who are lead by curiosity are smart and knowledgeable, quick to adapt to new information and generate new ideas. But they are also prone to overthinking and overcomplicating things, feeling bored or out of place, and getting easily distracted.
The less inclined and tolerant we are towards novelty, the more we are likely to be lead by disgust.
People who are lead by disgust are stubborn and set in their ways, uninterested in things that don’t directly affect them. But they are also able to make quick decisions, set clear boundaries, and are satisfied with simple pleasures.
* Stability
Every time we compare a situation to our goals, desires, and expectations, we experience feelings of joy or anger.
Joy is a positive reaction, communicating accomplishment and confidence when reality and expectations match. Anger is a negative reaction, communicating intimidation and aggression when reality and expectations conflict.
The less inclined we are towards stability, the more tolerant we are of instability, and the more likely we are to be lead by joy.
People who are lead by joy are satisfied and hopeful, confident that things are the way they should be. But they can also lack agency and initiative, complacent in their satisfaction, and be willing to settle for lower standards.
The more inclined we are towards stability, the less tolerant we are of instability, and the more likely we are to be lead by anger.
People who are lead by anger are tense and short-tempered and unable to let things go. But they are also hard working, meticulous, and driven to fight for what they believe in.
Joy is a positive reaction, communicating accomplishment and confidence when reality and expectations match. Anger is a negative reaction, communicating intimidation and aggression when reality and expectations conflict.
The less inclined we are towards stability, the more tolerant we are of instability, and the more likely we are to be lead by joy.
People who are lead by joy are satisfied and hopeful, confident that things are the way they should be. But they can also lack agency and initiative, complacent in their satisfaction, and be willing to settle for lower standards.
The more inclined we are towards stability, the less tolerant we are of instability, and the more likely we are to be lead by anger.
People who are lead by anger are tense and short-tempered and unable to let things go. But they are also hard working, meticulous, and driven to fight for what they believe in.
* Community
Every time we experience something that involves the support of the community around us, we experience happiness or sadness.
Happiness is a positive reaction, inviting others to join our group of family and friends. Sadness is a negative reaction calling out for the reassurance and practical help of the people in our group.
The more inclined and tolerant we are towards having a community around us, the more likely we are to be lead by happiness or sadness, depending on the type and level of support we need.
People who are lead by happiness are friendly and charismatic social connectors, who find it easy to enjoy the company of others. But they can also be overly enthusiastic, throwing themselves into things, dominating the conversation, and becoming reliant on the validation of others.
People who are lead by sadness are pessimistic and defeatist, surrendering their responsibilities and burdens for others to take on in their place. But they are also more likely to be honest in their communication, vulnerable enough to admit shortcomings, and quick to acknowledge when things are outside of their control.
Happiness is a positive reaction, inviting others to join our group of family and friends. Sadness is a negative reaction calling out for the reassurance and practical help of the people in our group.
The more inclined and tolerant we are towards having a community around us, the more likely we are to be lead by happiness or sadness, depending on the type and level of support we need.
People who are lead by happiness are friendly and charismatic social connectors, who find it easy to enjoy the company of others. But they can also be overly enthusiastic, throwing themselves into things, dominating the conversation, and becoming reliant on the validation of others.
People who are lead by sadness are pessimistic and defeatist, surrendering their responsibilities and burdens for others to take on in their place. But they are also more likely to be honest in their communication, vulnerable enough to admit shortcomings, and quick to acknowledge when things are outside of their control.
* Safety
Every time we are unable to make a confident prediction about what will happen to us in the future, we experience feelings of excitement or fear.
Excitement is a positive reaction, preparing us for all possible positive scenarios. Fear is a negative reaction, preparing us for all possible negative scenarios.
The less inclined we are towards safety, the more tolerant we are of risk, and the more likely we are to be lead by excitement.
People who are lead by excitement are adventurers and thrill seekers, willing to do what needs to be done in potentially dangerous situations and even actively find pleasure in the experience. But they can also be reckless and too eager to make decisions without acknowledging all the potential threats and downsides.
The more inclined we are towards safety, the less tolerant we are of risk, and the more likely we are to be lead by fear.
People who are lead by fear are anxious and guarded, they find it difficult to take action because they worry about what might happen. But they are also cautious and careful, avoiding harmful situations, and getting ready to safeguard against potential unforeseen consequences.
Excitement is a positive reaction, preparing us for all possible positive scenarios. Fear is a negative reaction, preparing us for all possible negative scenarios.
The less inclined we are towards safety, the more tolerant we are of risk, and the more likely we are to be lead by excitement.
People who are lead by excitement are adventurers and thrill seekers, willing to do what needs to be done in potentially dangerous situations and even actively find pleasure in the experience. But they can also be reckless and too eager to make decisions without acknowledging all the potential threats and downsides.
The more inclined we are towards safety, the less tolerant we are of risk, and the more likely we are to be lead by fear.
People who are lead by fear are anxious and guarded, they find it difficult to take action because they worry about what might happen. But they are also cautious and careful, avoiding harmful situations, and getting ready to safeguard against potential unforeseen consequences.
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